Thursday, July 2, 2009

What Can Denzel Washington Teach You?

My wife and I love going to the movies. So this weekend, we decided to check out Denzel Washington's new flick "The Taking of Pelham 1-2-3". And wow... what an explosive film!

In a nutshell, Denzel plays a New York subway director who is thrust into the role of negotiating with train hijacker... and nut job... John Travolta. Denzel is clueless about negotiating and since Travolta won't talk with anyone else... Denzel must roll up his sleeves and do the negotiating.

I won't spoil the ending but all of this got me thinking about your business. Please let me explain...

As a business owner, you're forced to learn new skills on the fly. One day you wear the marketing hat... then you put on the accounting hat... and next it's the manager's hat. Truth is it sucks having to wear all these hats. But don't worry. I'm gonna give you some help! You see, I teach business owners like you how to process credit cards so you keep as much money in your pocket as possible. Reality is --- processing credit cards blindly will suck money out of your business faster than Count Dracula can attack a virgin neck!What you ask? That's right. The fatal error most business owners make is NOT having a clue about how to process credit cards. But here's some good news...I teach 7 crucial steps... that happen at your point-of-sale... that can slash your fees by as much $300 bucks per month. For example...

1. Are you processing debit cards? Debit cards are more secure which means you pay less per transaction.

2. Can you tell me what your REAL rate is? There is an easy formula for calculating your real rate so you can tell instantly if you're getting ripped off by your current processor.

3. Dial up or high speed - what's better? Believe it or not, the faster the connection you have, the less you pay.If you would like know all of my 7 crucial steps, I'll gladly mail you my FREE report titled "7 Quick, Easy and 100% FREE Ways To Slash Your Credit Card Processing Fees in Your Business By As Much As $300.00 Per Month."

To get your hands on a copy call 1-888-269-4080 for a 24-hour, toll free recorded message. No one will be on the phone to hassle you. When you call, simply follow the directions and your free copy will be mailed out right away. For more information contact Darien Hill at 1-888-720-1936 or email him at

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